How to make your Airbnb property stand out from the crowd – Life Unlocked

It’s a dog-eat-dog world out there and nowhere more so than in the increasingly competitive short lets sector.  With more Airbnb properties listed than ever before, hosts are having to be ever more creative in their efforts to attract guests. Here are five top tips on how you can help your home catch the eye.

Hire a professional photographer

Even if you fancy yourself as a dab hand with a camera, when it comes to showcasing your home in the best possible light we’d strongly recommend coughing up for a professional. Not only will they bring a pro’s touch to your snaps, but they’ll also approach your home with an impartial eye. Trust us, the money you spend to ensure you get top quality photos will pay itself back ten-fold in the long term.

Achieve ‘superhost’ status 

Becoming a superhost is the holy grail for all Airbnb hosts – partly because it’s something to be proud of, but mainly because it’s a sure fire way to yield more guest bookings. To achieve this coveted title, you need to go the extra mile as a host, responding promptly to guests, keeping your place spick and span, and being generally pro-active in your efforts to provide a 5-star experience. 

Invest in a centrepiece attraction

An amazing ornament or piece of furniture that provides a focal point for your home is guaranteed to grab the attention of potential guests who are scrolling through your listing photos. If you’re not lucky enough to have an in-built head-turner such as a spiral staircase, then you might consider shopping around for an alternative spectacular addition to your home. 

Leave a special something

Hotels realised long ago that leaving free treats for guests goes down a treat. And Airbnb hosts can replicate this effect too, whether it’s with a welcome hamper of fresh fruit, a free bottle of bubbles, or a box of fine chocolates. If you want you can lure guests in with the promise of a ‘free welcome pack’ on your listing, but surprising them on arrival is also a guaranteed route to a great review. 

Install a memorable smart home product

In ten years every home will be packed full of smart tech, but in the meantime you can impress guests by installing a funky smart product. A remote access solution like Klevio not only has huge practical benefits – allowing guests to let themselves in from their phone so they don’t need to worry about physical keys – but also creates a real sense of magic and makes guests feel they are part of the future.

Have you got any other great ideas about how to make your Airbnb property rise above the masses? Let us know by dropping us a line at

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