A breath of fresh Air: team up with home rentals giants Airbnb – Life Unlocked

Remember the thrill of playing with the big kids at school for the first time? Well, the team at Klevio now have the chance to relive those childhood memories after we partnered with Airbnb to create a money-saving offer for its short-let hosts.

In the evolution of every growing company there are decisive moments, or lines in the sand, which can be looked back upon as pivotal to its success.

At Klevio, we believe one such moment may turn out to be when we signed a partnership with Airbnb for a limited-time-only offer.

Quite simply, an affiliation with the biggest global player in the short-let sector, and the implicit seal of approval that it carries, is a massive boost to everyone at Klevio as we strive to make further inroads into one of our most important market segment.

So what’s the partnership all about, we hear you implore?

Well, to cut to the chase, any Airbnb host who lists a Greater London property on Airbnb between now and 15 November 2019 will be eligible for a free Klevio device, and a full professional installation thrown into the bargain too.*

With the device and installation costing you nothing, all you need to do is sign a 24-month subscription for £15 per month, representing an overall saving of almost £200 on a standard Klevio package.

And we’ve not forgotten about hosts with existing listings either, as they’ll also be eligible for a discount.

So if you’re an Airbnb host planning to add a new property to the platform in the next couple of months, or if you’re thinking of becoming a first-time host, head to our dedicated Airbnb partnership page to find out what you’ll need to do to make the most of our special offer. And if you have any questions, drop us a line at airbnb@klevio.com. 

*Terms & Conditions apply

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