Lie-Nielsen Event Next Weekend (And a Note on Tools) &#8211

Just a reminder that Lost Art Press will be at the Lie-Nielsen Hand Tool Event next week at Popular Woodworking Magazine in Cincinnati. Details are on the Lie-Nielsen web site here.

We will be there with a few tool chests for you to inspect and (I hope) the Campaign Secretary I’ve been working on – it needs to go to the magazine for a photo shoot.

Also, I’ve decided to bring a load of my personal tools to sell. I still have many tools to dispose of. I was selling them here on the blog, but I got some nasty notes from readers about it, so I stopped. I have a little bit of everything, from infill planes, saws, gauges on down to marking knives. And whatever I don’t sell at the show next weekend I’ll post here with one final tool sale post.

Please, please, please (and I don’t use italics lightly) don’t e-mail me beforehand about these tools asking for an inventory or if I have this or that or if I’ll sell something to you in advance. I honestly don’t know everything that I have. I’m just going to bring it and sell it. Thanks for your understanding in this matter.

Hope you can come to the show. It is a fun two days.

— Christopher Schwarz

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