Time to Order ‘Mortise & Tenon’ Magazine &#8211

Joshua Klein during a visit to Jonathan Fisher's Maine home.
Joshua Klein during a visit to Jonathan Fisher’s Maine home.

Joshua Klein, a woodworker and conservator in Maine, is now accepting pre-publication orders for the first issue of Mortise & Tenon Magazine, which looks to be very interesting reading.

You might have heard of Klein through his blog, The Workbench Diary, or some of the stories I’ve written about his research of Jonathan Fisher (Klein is writing a book about Fisher for us, by the way).

In addition to his conservation work, a young family, taking apart a house for later reconstruction and writing a book for us, Klein has poured an enormous amount of energy into Mortise & Tenon Magazine to make sure it is a high-quality, well-made publication.

Take a look at the table of contents for the first issue here.

Then click on the “Pre-order Now” button. The first issue is just $24 – a bargain for such a labor of love. I ordered mine as soon as I got up this morning.

Whether you like old furniture, handwork or conservation, you’ll find a lot in the first issue to love.

— Christopher Schwarz

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