The Last 156 Copies of ‘The Art of Joinery’ – Sold Out &#8211


I’ll try to make a long story short enough. While looking under my bed for some shoes, I found an unopened box of 52 copies of “The Art of Joinery,” our first book at Lost Art Press. Then while, doing inventory, I found another sealed box of 52 that was mixed in with “The Essential Woodworker.” And we had another box of them that we had pretty much forgotten about.

So we are going to sell these last 156 copies for $20 each plus shipping – way below the market rate for this book. If you want a copy of the first edition, now is your chance.

Before you order, please read this: One copy per customer. Sorry scalpers. If we find out you ordered more than one, we will simply cancel all your orders. As of 11 p.m. we are sold out.

In 2013 we are going to come out with a revised edition of this book with a new design, a new font, a few text changes and the addition of the entire original text from Joseph Moxon – unaltered for the purists.

— Christopher Schwarz

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