New look for our Library Catalogue – National Railway Museum blog

This post is to let you know that our library catalogue is changing at the end of August.

As some of you may know who have used Search Engine, the our library catalogue is hosted by the University of York (we share an academic department with them – the Institute of Railway Studies and Transport History).

It will change from looking like this:

Old version of library catalogue
Old version of library catalogue

To looking like this:

New NRM Library Catalogue
New NRM Library Catalogue

The other main change will be how you conduct a search. If you look at the top image you will see that you are able to refine what you’re looking for from the initial search box e.g. you can select key words from the title etc. With the new catalogue you refine your search from within the search. The below example shows what I mean more clearly:

You can refine your search using the options on the left of the screen
You can refine your search using the options on the left of the screen

Clicking on any of the options I’ve circled will take you to other records that match your search criteria. Finding out where the book is located on the shelf can be achieved by clicking on the rather matter-of -fact “Get It” link under the record.

You can still refine your search from the search box, but you’ll need to select the Advanced Search function to do this:

Advanced Search options
Advanced Search options

These screen grabs have been taken from our test site so there may be the odd thing that is tweaked after. I also cannot give you a definitive URL at the time of writing. It is to be hoped that our user friendly web address of will still work, but initially it would be a good idea to go from the links on our website here.

If anybody experiences any difficulties or has any comments we’d be happy to hear them. Please let us know via

You can find out more about the Institute of Railway Studies and Transport History here.

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