My Experience as a Intern – Life Unlocked

Written by Sam Prime, Klevio intern during Summer 2019.

As my first year of study at University came to an end and the thought of applying for placement years in September loomed, it occurred to me I had very little business related experience on my CV. Klevio granted me the chance to partake in a two-week internship at their office in London to allow myself the chance to gain some insight on how a start-up operates and develop more of a business acumen.

The internship started with me being introduced to everyone at Klevio and shown around the office. A video call to the Klevio Ljubljana branch soon followed where I introduced myself and my reasoning for being at the company for the short time that I was. Both branches were welcoming and made me feel eager to start.

I first spoke with Jacob (Commercial Manager) and Mark (Co-founder and COO) who gave me a small overview of how the company functioned and the jobs of other members of the Klevio team. Having this initial meeting was great. It gave me a better idea of the product they have developed and created, as well as granting me an insight on the logistics of the company. I explained what I wanted to gain from the internship and they set about explaining some of the possible responsibilities I would be tasked with, ensuring the work that I would be undertaking would be beneficial to the company but also myself and allow me to gain experience I could later add to my CV.

Something I really liked about the internship was the freedom to work on tasks in whatever order I pleased, switching from one to another. This was great as it meant no two days were ever the same and never made the work I was doing feel repetitive. I also loved how it was made clear how the work I was completing would be highly beneficial to the company, tasks such as: creating a manual to navigate the Klevio Dashboard would be aiding customers when using the product, ensuring to resolve any consumer uncertainties with ease, blog posts I wrote were a form of marketing that would intrigue customers and hopefully make them understand how Klevio is something that could benefit their business, as well as conducting research on AirBnb superhosts in London to aid the sales team identify potential customers.

Overall my time at Klevio was educational, rewarding and most importantly enjoyable, it has given me valuable experience in working in a business and specifically a start-up and shed light on what kind of roles I want to apply for after my second year at university. Thanks to everyone at Klevio for making my short time at the company what is was and encourage anyone looking for experience in a start-up to consider them.

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