Mulesaw: A Great Blog to Follow &#8211


The thing I like best about teaching woodworking is getting to meet students, some of which become lifelong friends or colleagues.

One of my favorite students from the last 10 years is Jonas Jensen of Mors, Denmark. He and his father were in my very first tool chest class at Dictum in Bavaria. Neither had any place being there. Jonas’s father had been a woodworking instructor for his career; Jonas had enough hand skills to teach the class.

After some pestering from blogger Brian Eve of Toolerable – who also was in that tool chest class – Jonas started a blog. And it’s great fun. It’s all about the stuff he builds on his farm with his three kids and their adventures in the shop.

His blog is called Mulesaw, and I definitely recommend you add it to your list of blogs to follow.

To get an introduction to his blog, check out his 13 posts about building a sea chest while on board a ship (Jonas is a Marine engineer). Limited by the tools, workholding and hardware on board, he made an awesome little chest by hand while sailing in pirate-infested waters. You can read that thread here.

— Christopher Schwarz

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