Look to the Sky for Locusts &#8211

Typically, we don’t accept a shipment of books at Lost Art Press unless there is a tornado in the area – or at least a thunderstorm or torrential rain.

But this morning a truck dropped off the fourth printing of “The Anarchist’s Tool Chest” in my driveway. The sun is shining. My tarps are all put away. My insides are unsettled.

We have now printed 12,000 copies of “The Anarchist’s Tool Chest,” and – thanks to our customers – this book has made quitting my job at Popular Woodworking Magazine an easy transition. So thank you.

We should be getting our shipment of “Mouldings in Practice” next Monday. The forecast shows only a 10 percent chance of rain. Weird.

A quick reminder: Free shipping for “Mouldings in Practice” ends at midnight Wednesday. So if you want to save $6, order before then.

— Christopher Schwarz

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