Let’s Help Nancy Hiller with Medical Bills &#8211

Nancy and the sideboard she built for “English Arts & Crafts Furniture.”

Nancy Hiller – woodworker, author, teacher and friend extraordinaire – was recently diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Champ that she is, she continues to write and design kitchens through the chemo treatments (and get out to the shop when the medical experts say it’s OK).

But as is the case with so many self-employed people in the U.S., Nancy’s medical insurance coverage isn’t sufficient, and chemo and other treatments are crazy expensive. After facing punishing medical treatments, she’ll be facing punishing medical bills.

Nancy would never ask for help. (Heck, I had to beg to help unload her truck when she visited Lost Art Press for a book release party a few years back.) So we’re asking for her I know a lot of us are in tough financial situations right now – we may not be able to spare a lot. But if all of us who know Nancy through her writing, teaching, woodworking and life in general can each chip in just a little, we can make a big difference.

Click here to donate via Go Fund Me.

— Fitz

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