Get Thee to Charleston Next Week &#8211


If you are in the Southeast and love furniture, I highly recommend you take a couple days off to attend a special tour of the Aiken-Rhett House Museum in Charleston, S.C., and a lecture by Russell Buskirk that is being arranged by Lie-Nielsen Toolworks.

The tour is at 2 p.m. April 7 at the circa 1820 house. The Aiken-Rhett house is filled with more Charleston furniture than I’ve ever seen before (most of it was stripped from the city after the Civil War). Charleston furniture is quite distinct, not only in the way it looks but in the way it was built.

I took this tour in 2014 and it was hands-down the best home tour I’ve taken. Read details about that visit here.

After the tour, woodworker, furniture conservator and artist Buskirk is leading a lecture on his work at the American College of the Building Arts. Then everyone will head to the Craftsman Tap House for beer and dinner.

Then the Lie-Nielsen Hand Tool event takes place that Friday and Saturday at the American College of the Building Arts (be sure to check out the school’s incredible library).

I wish I could go to all these events, but I’ll be shooting a video that week and then minding the Lost Art Press storefront that weekend.

But you should go. Charleston in the Spring is the best. You can get details on the event at the Lie-Nielsen site here. I’ve also reprinted them below.

— Christopher Schwarz

Date & Time: April 7th, 2016 (2:00pm to 3:00pm)
Location: 48 Elizabeth St. Charleston, SC 29414
Cost: $12 per person
Tour Details:
We’ve arranged a special tour of the Aiken-Rhett House Museum, a landmark historic home located at the corner of Judith and Elizabeth streets in Charleston.The Aiken-Rhett House was built in 1820, and remained in the hands of family and decedents for 142 years. Its rooms retain objects and decorations original to the home and its early occupants. Visitors will tour the home and its outbuildings, and experience the history contained therein.

We will meet at the Aiken-Rhett House Museum at 1:30pm on Thursday, April 7th. The tour starts at 2pm and lasts about one hour. If you are interested in joining, please call us at 1-800-327-2520 or email us at: to reserve your spot. Cost of admission to the museum is $12 per person. After the tour, at 4pm, we’ll head over to the American College of the Building Arts for a presentation by local furniture conservationist Russell Buskirk, followed by dinner and beers at the Craftsman Tap House at 6:30pm.

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