Finishing Up ‘The Anarchist’s Design Book’ &#8211


After four years of work, I am done with my part of “The Anarchist’s Design Book.” It is written, laid out and edited. The only things missing are the completed plates and some more artful photography of a few of the finished pieces (this will be fixed this coming weekend with the assistance of Narayan Nayar).

If you’ve ever worked on a project for four years, then the following statement should come as no surprise: I would do it differently if I could start again. But this is the path I chose. The “bright string” that I found in the forest has ended here.

What’s next? I have about a dozen people combing through the book for typos and mechanical errors. We do this with every Lost Art Press book. The plates, the index and the final editing should be done by Dec. 28. Then the book will go to the printer on Jan. 1, 2016, and be ready to ship in early February.

We’ll have a special pre-publication offer for this book on Jan. 1. The publication of “The Anarchist’s Design Book” will mark a significant change in the way Lost Art Press does its business day to day. We’ll have more details on this change on that day. I think you will be pleased by the news.

— Christopher Schwarz

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