Curse You, Ed Lebetkin! &#8211

Whenever I teach at Roy Underhill’s The Woodwright’s School, I always spend a few hours at Ed Lebetkin’s tool store upstairs. (It’s even more tempting now because there is also a store selling wine and craft beer at the top of the stairs. Get drunk! Buy tools!)

Anyway, most of the time I’m in the store I’m helping students pick what they need from the thousands of tools Ed has in stock.

And without fail, I always buy something myself. Usually it’s just a piece to study and resell, such as an all-iron marking gauge I bought last time.

But this time, I picked up something for keeps for my tool chest – a set of four clamps that look blacksmith-made. These will replace the small, ugly and modern little clamps I’ve had for many years. We used these little antique guys all last week in the class while knocking stock down for the tool chest we were building. They are sweet.

Perhaps my kids will get F-style clamps in their stockings this Christmas….

— Christopher Schwarz

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