Architect's zone: Latest trends in window and door joinery

windows and doors

Architect's zone: Latest trends in window and door joinery

blog | 23.09.2021

For many years windows and doors have not only been construction elements of a building, they also have many aesthetic functions. A huge number of possibilities in terms of shapes, colours, dimensions, innovative fittings or designer methods of use have resulted in the fact that today we can talk about trends or even a specific fashion in the world of window and door joinery. How are these trends shaping up today and what can we expect in the near future? We have checked it out!

Polish windows and doors compatible with nature

The environmental trend is gaining speed – we've seen this for many seasons and across many industries. Manufacturers, invest not only in the joinery industry, but also in technologies and solutions that are economical and useful on the one hand, and ecological and safe for the planet on the other. When building a house, it is extremely important to have a good energy balance, as this results in minimal heat loss and savings when heating the building. Therefore, architects are looking for energy-efficient solutions in window and door joinery, that help protect the environment and are compatible with the so-called eco-friendly trend.

uPVC windows and ecology

Modern uPVC windows are manufactured from materials that are classified as being environmentally friendly, which means that they do not emit harmful substances. The fact is that uPVC windows are more difficult to dispose of than, for example, timber windows, but they can be completely recycled. What's more, the material from this joinery can be returned to the production cycle even multiple times, which significantly saves the raw materials needed for further constructions.

Even closer to nature, i. e. large glazing still in trend

Large glazing is a trend that is growing both figuratively and literally. It is already an obvious fact that customers want large sliding balcony or terrace doors in their homes. As a result, manufacturers and investors are racing to produce ever larger glazings. You can already find window and door solutions on the market that sometimes extend from the ceiling to the floor, creating a glazed wall of the building. Solutions such as panorama windows, lift and slide doors or folding structures are definitely trend-setting products in today's architecture. The challenge for architects and designers in the near future is to offer customers the ideal, i.e. a structure with maximum dimensions, while using fittings and materials that are invisible for the users.

projektowanie domuLarge glazings

Smart home – intelligent houses

The boom in ubiquitous technology is never-ending, and as a result, joinery manufacturers are not lagging behind. Remote control of home devices, heating or alarm systems is now a standard. Adding to this the control of roller shutters, gateways and garage doors or even windows and doors is a direction that is gaining impetus slowly but significantly. With a single app we can manage the ventilation of the house, turn up the heating, program the opening of the gate as well as the front door or adjust the blinds properly so that the sun does not heat up the interior. Isn't that great?

ismart homeIntelligent home control

You can read more about SMART HOME in the article:

Smart home – Control system: Tahoma Somfy

The coming period in window joinery will be a continuation of current trends, where large glazing, design with regard to environmental protection as well as energy efficiency and the implementation of intelligent building management networks will continue to take the lead.  It will also be extremely important to take a sensible approach to what is popular, remembering to choose products and solutions that are safe and of the highest quality.

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