When Should You Get A New Front Door?


Replacing your front door is probably not at the top of your to-do list when you’re thinking about decorating your home, but sometimes it can be an essential job that can save you money in the long run. A new front door can add to the value of your home, increase energy savings and improve the security of your home.

But when to make the move and replace your front door?

There’s a few factors to think about, and it’s not always as obvious as waiting until the door is visible falling to pieces!

Here’s our list of considerations to make if you think you may need to replace your front door:

    1. Consider the time of year. Although we can’t always guarantee warm sunny weather in the summertime, it’s probably a better time to change your front door rather than risk the wind, rain and possibly even snow from blowing freely through your home while you replace the front door in the colder months.
    1. Are you planning on moving house? If you’re trying to sell your home, replacing the front door is a simple and easy step you can take to immediately increase the value of your home – and the chances that someone will be willing to buy it! House buying experts advise that the exterior of the house can put a potential buyer off from even looking inside the house if it’s not up to scratch – so a fresh front door is a must!
    1. Security is an important consideration, and much more important than style. If your front door is old, hollow, broken or simply poorly maintained, it’ll become an easy target for criminals looking to enter your home. Update your door and improve your security at the same time.
  1. If you find that your home is naturally on the cooler side, it could be down to your front door. An ill fitting front door or simply an old door can allow the heat out of your home and the cold winds inside. Replacing your front door will ensure that all the seals are working to your best advantage, saving you a small fortune on energy bills over the year!

If you think you may need to replace your front door, take a look at our collection of External Doors at Leader Doors to find the right match for your home!

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