Types of deadbolt locks for your front door.

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Types of deadbolt locks for your front door.

By emily.bailey

Thursday, October 5, 2023

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Deadbolt locks | Schlage

Deadbolt locks | Schlage

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Your guide to understanding the different deadbolt lock functions and choose the right secure door hardware for your home.



Whether you’re replacing locks on a new home or looking to add more security to your current home, the aisle (or search results page) can be overwhelming with all the options. Check out our deadbolt lock breakdown below to help you understand the different functions and choose the right secure door hardware for your home.

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Schlage Matte Black Plymouth Front Door Handleset on Blue Grey Door.

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What is a deadbolt lock?

A deadbolt lock is a robust security mechanism commonly used in homes and businesses to reinforce door security. Unlike standard locks, deadbolts lack a spring mechanism and can only be operated with a key or thumbturn, providing enhanced resistance against unauthorized entry. Now let’s dive into thedifferent types of deadbolts available to help you choose the one that best suits your security needs.

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Single cylinder deadbolt lock

The most common type of deadbolt locks is the single cylinder deadbolt. It features an exterior keyhole for locking or unlocking the deadbolt using a key from the outside, while on the inside, a thumb turn provides quick and convenient access. To ensure comprehensive security, it’s advisable to pair this type of deadbolt with a keyed lock beneath it or a handle set grip. For an elegant and welcoming entrance, we recommend considering the purchase of a complete handleset pair or custom ¾ trim handlesets, which can enhance the overall aesthetic and security or your door.  


Shop single cylinder deadbolts

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Double cylinder deadbolt lock

Double cylinder deadbolts are used when you want a little extra security. They are often chosen for improving security on doors with windows because they make it harder for potential intruders to reach through the glass and unlock the door. A double cylinder deadbolt features a keyhole on both the interior and exterior side of the door so the only way you can lock/unlock is with a mechanical key. However, this type of lock should be used with caution as it can make it more difficult to get out of the house quickly in the event of an emergency.


Shop double cylinder deadbolts

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Electronic deadbolts

Electronic lock deadbolts often leverage the same security and durability of mechanical single cylinder deadbolts with the added convenience of a keypad or touchscreen that allows you to program a unique access code for entry. These locks are particularly convenient for those who wish to do away with traditional physical keys, simplifying access for family members and trusted individuals. It’s important to note that with electronic locks, all programming and access management occur directly at the lock itself. Unlike smart locks, they do not offer remote access capabilities or integration with other smart home technology, ensuring that control remains localized.

Shop electronic locks

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Smart deadbolts

Like electronic locks, smart deadbolt locks are just as durable as a mechanical single cylinder deadbolt. You can connect your smart lock to your home network, either directly to WiFi or with a compatible smart home hub, depending on the lock you choose. You can then use your smartphone for easy programming and access from anywhere.


Smart locks also provide the option to integrate parts of your home security with other smart home products to create routines and schedules that fit your lifestyle. Did you leave the house and wonder if you forgot to lock the door? No problem. As long as you’re connected to your WiFi or smart hub, you can access your lock remotely to check its status and command it to lock or unlock. Want to tell Alexa to lock the door, even when you’re too comfy to get out of bed? You can do that, too.


Shop smart deadbolts

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No matter which type of deadbolt lock you choose, look for signs that you can trust your door hardware to help protect your home. Check that the deadbolt has the BHMA’s Best, or AAA, ratings in security, durability and finish. Look for a lifetime warranty so you know the company you’re buying from stands behind its products. And listen to what others have to say. Schlage is trusted in over 40 million homes and has over 10,000 five-star reviews. We’re proud to have earned the trust of so many homeowners and are committed to strengthening that trust into our next century of business.


Securing your front door is an important step toward improving the overall safety of your home. Remember to be just as diligent when purchasing locks for the other doors on your home, including back doors and garage entries. Visit our Home Security blogs for more tips and recommendations.


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