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    Give guests the perfect stay with this holiday hosting checklist.

    December 01, 2023 by itzel.portillo

    Friday, December 1, 2023

    .sf-date {

    font-size: .85em;
    color: #666;

    Holiday hosting checklist | Schlage

    Holiday hosting checklist | Schlage

    $(“#wtbClick a”).click(function(e) {
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    Make holiday hosting stress-free and give your guests exactly what they want and need by following this checklist.



    ‘Tis the season of giving … and hosting family and friends … and maybe feeling overwhelmed by all the planning and festivities. Don’t fret about forgetting something amid all the chaos. Make holiday hosting stress-free and give your guests exactly what they want and need by following this checklist.

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    Entryway decorated for Christmas.

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    Give them a warm welcome

    Start the visit on the right foot by paying attention to details that make people feel at home.


    checkbox Style your front door decor with a gorgeous wreath or green garland for porch railings


    checkbox Repair, clear and de-ice walkways, driveways, porch steps and railings


    checkbox Prepare a mudroom to receive guests, hang coats and stow shoes and boots


    checkbox Light a fire and stock the hearth with extra wood


    checkbox Offer cozy blankets for evening hangouts

    .blog .textExt .blogg{display:none;}

    Give them their privacy

    Especially if you have overnight guests, give them some room to unwind by themselves and feel at home. It will give you the privacy to unwind in your own space as well.


    checkbox Prepare the guest room with fresh linens and plenty of cozy touches, or convert another room just for visitors


    checkbox Clean out a drawer, closet space and bathroom shelf for guests’ belongings during a long stay


    checkbox Update door knobs and levers with Schlage Custom™ Combined Interior Door Hardware so guests can lock their door if they need additional privacy


    checkbox Hang blackout drapes for privacy from the neighbors and the sun when sleeping in

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    Give them access

    A study by OnePoll found that having the ability to come and go with ease was one of the leading ways to make guests feel at home.


    checkbox Give guests their own Schlage smart lock access code. Send it before their arrival so they won’t be locked out, even if you aren’t home yet


    checkbox Provide the WiFi password


    checkbox Offer a cheat sheet with tips for using your smart home devices like lamps or speakers

    .blog .textExt .blogg{display:none;}

    Give them some refreshments

    Holiday calories do count unfortunately, so the least you can do is make them worth it.


    checkbox Set up a self-serve drink station or bar cart with fixings for delicious coffee, hot chocolate or cocktails


    checkbox Provide simple grab-and-go snacks and quick breakfast items like bagels and fruit


    checkbox Place a tray with bottled water and your guests’ favorite treats in the guest room before arrival

    .blog .textExt .blogg{display:none;}

    Give them some entertainment

    Whether going out or staying in, make it easy to enjoy each other’s company.


    checkbox Set out a selection of board games


    checkbox Pull out your favorite holiday movies or add some to your Netflix queue for easy searching


    checkbox Share a list of local attractions, shops and restaurants to explore


    checkbox Provide books and magazines for guests who want a quiet night in

    .blog .textExt .blogg{display:none;}

    Give them a gift

    Homemade and heartfelt, a gift for the holiday or as a party favor can show how much you care.


    checkbox Visit the new Schlage gift giving guides for inspiration, no matter who you’re shopping for

    .blog .textExt .blogg{display:none;}

    Every family’s traditions are different, but you can’t go wrong by following this simple holiday hosting checklist. Make guests feel welcome while giving yourself the chance to enjoy the season as well.


    Need more hacks for getting your home ready to host for the holidays? Check out our blog archive for simple updates you can tackle when you’re in a holiday hurry, tips for decorating your front porch and ways to improve your security for the holiday season.

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    Designing for durability: Choosing hardware and finishes for bathroom.

    October 12, 2023 by emily.bailey

    Thursday, October 12, 2023

    .sf-date {

    font-size: .85em;
    color: #666;

    Finishes for bathroom | Schlage

    Finishes for bathroom | Schlage

    $(“#wtbClick a”).click(function(e) {
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    In this guide, we will explore how to enhance your bathroom’s aesthetics, functionality, and durability.



    In the bustling rhythm of our daily lives, bathrooms are often the unsung heroes of our homes. Think about it – you style your hair, take refreshing showers, conduct your skincare rituals, clean it with tough chemicals, and, of course, answer nature’s call, all within the confines of this compact room. But amid all this activity, they endure a considerable amount of wear and tear. This high traffic is precisely why it’s imperative to consider every element that makes up your bathroom, from the right paint finishes on the walls to the faucets and door locks you choose. In this guide, we will explore how to enhance your bathroom’s aesthetics, functionality, and durability. 

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    Modern Scandinavian bathroom with white tile walls and brass hardware finishes for bathroom.

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    Selecting bathroom wall paint that lasts

    Bathrooms are high-humidity environments and endure frequent use, making durability a top priority. The correct type of bathroom paint will not only resist moisture but also withstand the daily challenges of this busy space. Here are some things to consider when selecting bathroom wall paint to ensure that your walls stay looking fresh and vibrant for years to come.

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    Mom and daughter brushing teeth in bathroom with a Schlage bathroom door lock in satin nickel finish.

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    Best paint for bathroom walls

    For bathroom walls, it’s essential to use a high-quality, moisture-resistant paint. Look for paints labeled as "bathroom paint" or "kitchen and bath paint." These paints are formulated to resist moisture and prevent mold and mildew growth.

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    Best paint finish for bathrooms

    The finish of your paint determines not only the appearance but also how it stands up to moisture, water, and cleaning agents. In a bathroom, where these elements are ever-present, the right finish can make a significant difference in the longevity and maintenance of your walls. Satin and semi-gloss finishes are excellent choices as they provide a slight sheen that’s easy to clean and can withstand the occasional water splashes and humidity.

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    Satin vs. semi-gloss

    When deciding between a satin and semigloss finish for your bathroom paint, its essential to consider both aesthetics and practicality. Satin finishes offer a soft, subtle sheen that strikes a balance between matte and glossy, providing an elegant and inviting look. On the other hand, semigloss finishes are more reflective, making them highly resistant to moisture and stains. They are an excellent choice for bathrooms with high humidity levels or frequent splashes. Ultimately, your choice should depend on your bathroom’s specific needs and your design preferences. Satin for a touch of sophistication and semigloss for durability in a moisture-prone environment. 

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    High-humidity bathrooms

    Extra precautions should be taken when choosing paint for bathrooms with exceptionally high humidity levels, such as those without proper ventilation. Consider using a high-quality primer before painting to create a moisture-resistant barrier between the wall and the paint or selecting mold-resistant paint that is specifically formulated to resist mold and mildew in high moisture areas. 

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    Choosing the right hardware finishes for bathroom

    When designing your bathroom, it’s essential to pay attention to the hardware finishes you choose for faucets and door locks. These elements not only contribute to the overall aesthetics but also play a crucial role in functionality and maintenance. Here are some key factors to consider when selecting hardware finishes that can withstand antibacterial cleaners, are easy to clean, and resist dust and water spots.

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    Updated farmhouse bathroom with matte black finishes and hardware.

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    Antibacterial cleaner compatibility

    When selecting hardware finishes, opt for materials that can safely withstand the use of antibacterial cleaners without deteriorating over time. Stainless steel, brass, and chrome are excellent choices as they are highly resistant to the corrosive effects of cleaning agents. These finishes not only maintain their appearance but also ensure a sanitary environment.

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    Ease of cleaning

    Bathroom hardware is exposed to moisture and daily use, which can lead to the buildup of soap scum, water spots, and fingerprints. To simplify maintenance, choose finishes that are easy to clean. Smooth, non-porous surfaces like polished chrome or brushed nickel are less likely to trap dirt and grime, making them a breeze to wipe down with a damp cloth.

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    Resistance to water spots

    Water spots can negatively affect the look of your bathroom fixtures. Opt for finishes that are known for their resistance to water spots, such as chrome or stainless steel. These finishes not only repel water but also make it easier to maintain a spotless shine with minimal effort.

    .blog .textExt .blogg{display:none;}

    Dust and grime resistance

    Some finishes are better at hiding dust and smudges than others. Matte finishes, like oil-rubbed bronze or matte black, are more forgiving in this regard, as they tend to camouflage fingerprints better than polished options. If you are looking to conceal dust, a textured finish is the way to go. Consider distressed nickel to make particles appear less visible.

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    Consider your bathroom’s aesthetic

    Beyond durability and maintenance, your hardware finishes should align with the overall style and aesthetic of your bathroom. Choose finishes that complement your design scheme, whether it’s classic, modern, industrial, or rustic. Coordinating finishes can enhance the cohesive look of your bathroom while still meeting the practical criteria mentioned above.

    .blog .textExt .blogg{display:none;}

    A well-chosen paint finish and durable bathroom hardware will ensure that you don’t need frequent replacements. Remember to consider factors like the bathroom’s style, moisture levels, and maintenance requirements when making your choices. And for expert guidance in finding the perfect bathroom door hardware, make use of our style selector tool designed to help you match your individual needs and preferences with the ideal hardware style for a bathroom that is both functional and stylish. For more home design trends and tips, make sure to check out the Schlage blog and follow us on Pinterest, TikTok and Instagram. 


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    Types of deadbolt locks for your front door.

    October 05, 2023 by emily.bailey

    Thursday, October 5, 2023

    .sf-date {

    font-size: .85em;
    color: #666;

    Deadbolt locks | Schlage

    Deadbolt locks | Schlage

    $(“#wtbClick a”).click(function(e) {
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    Your guide to understanding the different deadbolt lock functions and choose the right secure door hardware for your home.



    Whether you’re replacing locks on a new home or looking to add more security to your current home, the aisle (or search results page) can be overwhelming with all the options. Check out our deadbolt lock breakdown below to help you understand the different functions and choose the right secure door hardware for your home.

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    Schlage Matte Black Plymouth Front Door Handleset on Blue Grey Door.

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    What is a deadbolt lock?

    A deadbolt lock is a robust security mechanism commonly used in homes and businesses to reinforce door security. Unlike standard locks, deadbolts lack a spring mechanism and can only be operated with a key or thumbturn, providing enhanced resistance against unauthorized entry. Now let’s dive into thedifferent types of deadbolts available to help you choose the one that best suits your security needs.

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    Single cylinder deadbolt lock

    The most common type of deadbolt locks is the single cylinder deadbolt. It features an exterior keyhole for locking or unlocking the deadbolt using a key from the outside, while on the inside, a thumb turn provides quick and convenient access. To ensure comprehensive security, it’s advisable to pair this type of deadbolt with a keyed lock beneath it or a handle set grip. For an elegant and welcoming entrance, we recommend considering the purchase of a complete handleset pair or custom ¾ trim handlesets, which can enhance the overall aesthetic and security or your door.  


    Shop single cylinder deadbolts

    .blog .textExt .blogg{display:none;}

    Double cylinder deadbolt lock

    Double cylinder deadbolts are used when you want a little extra security. They are often chosen for improving security on doors with windows because they make it harder for potential intruders to reach through the glass and unlock the door. A double cylinder deadbolt features a keyhole on both the interior and exterior side of the door so the only way you can lock/unlock is with a mechanical key. However, this type of lock should be used with caution as it can make it more difficult to get out of the house quickly in the event of an emergency.


    Shop double cylinder deadbolts

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    Electronic deadbolts

    Electronic lock deadbolts often leverage the same security and durability of mechanical single cylinder deadbolts with the added convenience of a keypad or touchscreen that allows you to program a unique access code for entry. These locks are particularly convenient for those who wish to do away with traditional physical keys, simplifying access for family members and trusted individuals. It’s important to note that with electronic locks, all programming and access management occur directly at the lock itself. Unlike smart locks, they do not offer remote access capabilities or integration with other smart home technology, ensuring that control remains localized.

    Shop electronic locks

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    Smart deadbolts

    Like electronic locks, smart deadbolt locks are just as durable as a mechanical single cylinder deadbolt. You can connect your smart lock to your home network, either directly to WiFi or with a compatible smart home hub, depending on the lock you choose. You can then use your smartphone for easy programming and access from anywhere.


    Smart locks also provide the option to integrate parts of your home security with other smart home products to create routines and schedules that fit your lifestyle. Did you leave the house and wonder if you forgot to lock the door? No problem. As long as you’re connected to your WiFi or smart hub, you can access your lock remotely to check its status and command it to lock or unlock. Want to tell Alexa to lock the door, even when you’re too comfy to get out of bed? You can do that, too.


    Shop smart deadbolts

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    No matter which type of deadbolt lock you choose, look for signs that you can trust your door hardware to help protect your home. Check that the deadbolt has the BHMA’s Best, or AAA, ratings in security, durability and finish. Look for a lifetime warranty so you know the company you’re buying from stands behind its products. And listen to what others have to say. Schlage is trusted in over 40 million homes and has over 10,000 five-star reviews. We’re proud to have earned the trust of so many homeowners and are committed to strengthening that trust into our next century of business.


    Securing your front door is an important step toward improving the overall safety of your home. Remember to be just as diligent when purchasing locks for the other doors on your home, including back doors and garage entries. Visit our Home Security blogs for more tips and recommendations.


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    Choosing the right bathroom door locks for your home.

    October 02, 2023 by emily.bailey

    Monday, October 2, 2023

    .sf-date {

    font-size: .85em;
    color: #666;

    Bathroom door locks | Schlage

    Bathroom door locks | Schlage

    $(“#wtbClick a”).click(function(e) {
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    Upgrade your bathroom door locks and enhance your home’s aesthetic effortlessly.



    Whether your bathroom door locks need an update due to outdated knobs, loose levers or you simply want a style change, there’s a bathroom door lock waiting for you! Making this simple change can elevate your home’s style with a small yet impactful touch that can make all the difference. Upgrade your bathroom door locks and enhance your home’s aesthetic appeal effortlessly.

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    Schlage Bowery bathroom door lock in matte black on bathroom door with woman in background getting ready.

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    Lock function

    First things first, you need to determine the function of the door handle. In most cases for your bathroom, you want a privacy, or Bed & Bath, lock. “What does this mean?” you ask. A privacy lock lets you lock the door from one side using either a push-lock mechanism or a thumbturn.


    While a privacy lock is appropriate for most bathrooms, you may find that, depending on your living situation (small children, individuals needing special care, etc.), you would prefer to have access to the bathroom at all times. When that’s the case, a passage, or Hall & closet, lock is the desired function. A passage lock allows you to latch the bathroom door knob or lever to the door, but it will not lock on either side. 


    Although if your bathroom is likely to be used by guests as well, there may be a better solution instead of having an unlockable bathroom at all times. Schlage Custom™ Door Hardware has Combined Interior functionality. That means that you get both passage and privacy functions in the same lock. Switching between the functions is easy and convenient. Simply insert and rotate the privacy pin to convert it from passage to privacy. With the versatility of Schlage Custom Combined Interior functionality, you never have to worry about miscounting how many of each kind of lock you need. And you never have to replace the entire lock if your needs change.

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    Schlage Custom Northbrook lever on bathroom door.

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    Quality bathroom door handles

    Just as with any purchase, you want to make sure you are purchasing your interior door hardware from a trusted lock company, like Schlage, that manufactures high-quality bathroom door locks. Look for companies that honor both a lifetime mechanical warranty and a lifetime finish warranty. Because let’s face it – sometimes things happen and you want to ensure you’re buying a quality door lock from a company that offers great service and will stand by its products and warranties.

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    Door lock handing

    In addition to deciding on the finish, you need to consider whether a door knob or lever would work best in your bathroom. What difference does it make? While door knobs and levers operate the same internally, they do provide a different look and style to the room. Additionally, levers are often ideal for young children or those with arthritis or need the extra leverage a lever provides to open the bathroom door. Levers are also different than door knobs in that they are ADA compliant.


    f you choose a lever, you might need to pay attention to the handing. This impacts the way the lever is installed, specifically which way the lever points when it is affixed to the door. When you purchase a Schlage interior lever, your hardware comes with a pin tool that allows you to switch the handing of the levers if necessary. Watch this video to help you adjust the levers to the appropriate handing during installation.

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    Schlage Accent lever in aged bronze on bathroom door.

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    Best bathroom lock finish

    When it comes to selecting interior door hardware for your bathroom, or any room, you want to look at the finish. These finishes can range from historically popular finishes like Bright Brass and Satin Nickel to more modern finishes like Satin Brass and Matte Black. A good rule of thumb is to complement your interior door hardware with your current bathroom fixtures. For example, if your faucets and lighting are a timeless satin nickel, you might not want to choose Bright Brass for your bathroom door lock. Selecting Satin Nickel will coordinate better and make your bathroom look that much more polished.


    You can even create more visual interest by mixing finishes. Just because you have appliances in one finish doesn’t mean everything has to have the same metallic look. Copper and nickel, satin brass and polished nickel, aged bronze and satin brass are all classic combinations that make a statement.

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    Schlage Bowery knob on bathroom door.

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    Door lock style

    Part of completing your perfect look is choosing the right style of door hardware. Schlage offers designs that range from traditional to modern and clean and minimalist to ornate and eclectic, so you can find the door knobs, levers and trim that are right for your home and your own unique sense of style. Use our Style Selector tool to find the designs and finishes right for your décor.


    You might also choose to match door hardware in other parts of your home. Because Schlage offers locks in a variety of functions, you can easily create your ideal look no matter what door you’re updating, from the front door to back porch and everywhere in between.

    If you find yourself in need of inspiration, check us out on TikTok, Pinterest or Instagram. You can also discover which bathroom door locks fit your home and personal taste at


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    Storage solutions for a stylish, clutter-free home.

    September 29, 2023 by emily.bailey

    Friday, September 29, 2023

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    Stylish storage | Schlage

    Stylish storage | Schlage

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    If you are looking for a quick, easy cost-effective way to organize your space, these stylish storage solutions are the perfect place to start.



    There is nothing quite like the satisfaction of stepping into a clean, well-organized space. But when clutter starts piling up, it can quickly turn into a chaotic display of excess belongings and disorder. If you are looking for a quick, easy cost-effective way to organize your space, these stylish storage solutions are the perfect place to start.  

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    Stylish organized minimalist shelving unit with baskets, boxes, eucalyptus.

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    Evaluate your storage needs

    Before diving into the mission of organizing your living space, it’s crucial to take a step back and evaluate your storage needs. Pinpoint the areas in your home that are most cluttered and in need of attention. Focusing your efforts on these specific trouble spots is key because attempting to tackle multiple rooms at a time can hinder your ability to gauge progress and create unwanted stress. By taking it one room at a time, you’ll not only streamline your efforts but also witness the transformation of each space into a haven of tranquility and style.

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    Woman using woven basekts to organize linen closet.

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    Transforming chaos into chic order

    Whether you live in a small apartment or a spacious home, these home storage solutions offer inspiration to transform your space while enhancing organization and style. These ideas are versatile and adaptable, so get creative and have fun watching your space go from dissaray to organized style.

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    One way to add both functionality and charm to your home is by using baskets. These versatile storage options come in all shapes, sizes, and materials, allowing you to find the perfect fit for any room. Whether you use them to store blankets, toys, shoes, or even just as decorative accents, baskets are a great way to keep things organized while adding a touch of visual appeal. 


    If your hallways and entryways are always scattered with shoes and toys, try adding a basket under a console table like Living Spaces for a quiet, yet flattering way to store your items. 

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    Open shelving

    If you’re looking to showcase your favorite items while reducing visual clutter, open shelving is the way to go. By removing the doors from your cabinets or investing in floating shelves, you can create a stylish display for your books, décor, and other belongings. Not only does this make your space feel more open, but it also encourages you to keep things tidy and organized. 


    Bathrooms are high traffic areas where organization is key, and clutter can accumulate quickly. One effective solution we love is incorporating narrow shelves, like these featured on Good Housekeeping. These space-saving shelves provide a practical yet stylish way to keep everyday items neatly stored.

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    Open kitchen shelves storing dishes, utensils and books.

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    Utilizing architectural features

    Take advantage of the existing architectural features in your home to maximize storage space. Nooks and alcoves are perfect opportunities to create functional storage solutions that seamlessly blend with your home’s design. Whether it’s a built-in bookshelf, a cozy reading nook with hidden storage, or an alcove transformed into a mini home office, these features can be both practical and aesthetically pleasing. 

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    Functional furniture

    Why settle for ordinary furniture when you can have pieces that offer both style and storage? Functional furniture with built in storage is a game-changer when it comes to removing visual clutter from your home. From ottomans with hidden compartments to coffee tables with drawers, these pieces allow you to keep your space tidy while adding a touch of sophistication to your décor.


    Whether it is adding a touch of style by installing new shelf or decluttering a corner with the help of a basket, each organizational effort contributes to the overarching goal of turning your living space into a cleaner, stylish and more organized space. The path to a serene and stylish home isn’t about the scale of the task, but rather the intent and dedication behind it. With each storage solution you implement you’re taking strides towards creating the clutter-free home you’ve always envisioned. 

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    While the options above only scratch the surface of the many stylish storage solutions you can incorporate in your home, we hope they inspire you to make a small step towards creating a stylish and clutter-free home. For all things home improvement and DIY, check out the Schlage blog, Instagram and Pinterest!


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    7 ways technology is improving our world.

    September 28, 2023 by emily.bailey

    Thursday, September 28, 2023

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    How technology is improving lives | Schlage

    How technology is improving lives | Schlage

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    Technology impacts nearly every aspect of modern life, but is it really helping? We’ve rounded up some encouraging examples of how technology is impacting the world for good.



    Technology impacts nearly every aspect of modern life, but is it really helping? We’ve rounded up some encouraging examples of how technology is impacting the world for good. 


    Whether you are tech savvy with all the newest gadgets or prefer a technology-free lifestyle, we hope these examples expand your understanding of how technology is helping improve people’s lives and wellbeing. 

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    Farmers in field at sunset looking at tablet.

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    Technology for aging in place

    If you or a loved one is aging in place, there are several technology tools to help with safety and independence.


    Personal sidekick

    ElliQ is a “sidekick for healthier, happier aging.” This simple, easy to use tool uses voice interaction and a screen display to help people maintain independence as they age. Practical aids like appointment reminders and weather updates can help simplify daily routines, while interactive games, conversation, and simple video calls with family help improve connectedness and companionship. 

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    Fall detection

    Amazon’s Alexa Together can pair with compatible third-party fall detection devices to provide voice assistance if a fall is detected. If help is needed, Alexa Together has a professionally staffed 24/7 Urgent Response team to provide personalized help and alert emergency contacts. 


    Vayyar Care is an innovative fall detection device that is compatible with Alexa Together. Using unique touchless technology, Vayyar Care monitors for falls around the home. With camera-free imaging radar sensors, it is possible to have constant, automatic fall detection that maintains privacy and doesn’t require a wearable device.

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    Remote unlock for emergencies

    In the event of a fall or other emergency, first responders may need to quickly enter the home. Select Schlage smart locks include remote unlock through the Schlage Home app, so you never have to worry about compromising security or ease of access. Smart locks can help with aging in place, especially when paired with compatible hands-free voice assistants like Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant. 

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    Education and technology

    Technology has provided many new options for education. From apps and software to robots, technology has radically impacted the world of education. One of the most exciting new systems for learning development comes from Lego Education. With a variety of learning toys for every age or grade level, Lego Education uses play to help kids connect with different subjects. Younger children can enjoy learning about subjects including shapes, emotions, and storytelling, while older students can stretch themselves with more advanced concepts like robotics. Learning through play helps kids encounter entertaining challenges, prompting them to problem solve, make mistakes, and build resilience


    Whether used at school or in the home, learning toys are an exciting way to help children develop creativity and knowledge. 

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    Nurse holding tablet

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    Technology improving healthcare

    With many doctors offering telehealth, it’s likely you have already experienced first-hand the convenience that technology is bringing to healthcare. Wearable technology like smartwatches help motivate preventative health through exercise monitoring, nutrition tracking, and sleep data. For more extreme health interventions like surgery, Augmented Reality is being used to help doctors collaborate long distance to enable better outcomes for patients. 


    One of the most interesting modern technologies on the rise in healthcare is 3D printer technology. 3D printing enables doctors to create patient-specific anatomical models that can be handled and examined for pre-operative planning and more customized surgery. 3D printing is also expediting the production of different types of medical equipment; by using 3D printed prototypes, many medical devices are being produced faster and at a reduced cost. Those are only a few of the many innovations 3D printing is bringing to healthcare, and it is expected to continue making an impact across many other medical specialties. 

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    Technology for building a more accessible world

    Over the past few decades, tremendous progress has been made toward building a more accessible world. As ADA requirements, assistive technology, and social awareness continue to progress, so must our resolve to challenge the status quo. By keeping accessibility at the forefront of our minds, we can start to examine how buildings and businesses can do a better job of welcoming persons of all abilities.


    STANLEY Access Technologies, a leading manufacturer, installer, and service provider of automatic doors in North America has worked with New Horizons Village, a community that is home to 101 adults with varying degrees of physical disabilities, to advance the mission of accessibility for all. The staff of New Horizons Village are experts in accessibility because they understand the true needs of their tenants. New Horizons Village tasked STANLEY Access Technologies with providing wheelchair accessible door solutions for their campus. Now, with the push of a button, their doors open and close automatically. It has been a monumental change for the tenants.


    Check out this video to learn more about how STANLEY Access Technologies and New Horizons Village are working together to further accessibility.


    Schlage and STANLEY Access Technologies are part of the Allegion family of brands. ABOUT ALLEGION: Allegion (NYSE: ALLE) is a global pioneer in seamless access. We keep people and their assets safe, wherever they are, bringing together simple solutions, convenient access and advanced technology. For more, visit

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    Smart Devices for Wellness

    There are many technologies you can use in your home to help create healthier lifestyles for yourself and your loved ones. Smart tech for your home like smart refrigerators to help with healthy food prep, adjustable color temperature lighting to help with sleep rhythms, and air purifiers to help reduce air toxins are all great ideas for taking charge of your wellness with technology. 


    If you are looking for an easier way to get some daily exercise in, consider assembling a home gym with tech features. By cutting out the hassle of commuting to and from a workout facility, you can save time and make it easier to meet your exercise goals. While there are lots of smart exercise equipment products, you can also opt for simple, cost-effective technologies to suit your needs. For example, a laptop, smart TV or tablet instantly gives you access to the world of online workouts – many of which are free.

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    Veteran jobs through tech

    Technology is also helping match military veterans with jobs. One challenge a veteran may face when looking for a civilian job is that their military experience and skills are not always a direct match. Amazon has developed a Military Skills Translator (MST) program that can translate military occupational specialties into skills utilized with specific roles at Amazon. Amazon also offers skills training in high-demand areas through the Amazon Technical Apprenticeship Program and AWS re/StartAmazon’s veteran hiring programs are a great example of how technology is creating jobs and can be used to help people improve and grow. 

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    Wireframe mockup of house.

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    Technology for advanced security

    Whether it’s at home, work, school or out and about, where we spend our time needs to be a safe place. Many technologies work to protect your safety as you walk through daily life. At Schlage, we create innovative smart lock solutions to protect what matters most and give you peace of mind from anywhere. With advanced security features, smart home compatibility, remote access and more, your home can be safer than ever with a Schlage smart lock.  

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    Community service & tech

    Technological advances are also revolutionizing community service and outreach.


    Habitat for Humanity

    As the cost of building materials has skyrocketed, Habitat for Humanity has turned to technology to cut both the price and timeline of home construction. Using an Alquist 3D concrete printer, Habitat for Humanity built the first ever 3D printed home to be owner occupied in the United States. Thanks to 3D printing, the three-bedroom, 2-bathroom home was constructed in only 28 hours. And while that is a feat of technological brilliance in and of itself, concrete printing produces less waste and uses less energy than traditional construction, making it a more sustainable, earth-friendly approach. After this groundbreaking example from Habitat for Humanity, it is exciting to look to a future where more 3D printed homes could make homeownership more affordable for more families.

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    While it may sometimes feel like a race to keep up with the latest smart gadgets, the examples above show a small taste of the many ways technology is making a positive impact in our lives and world.


    For over 100 years, Schlage has been designing innovative solutions to keep you and what matters most to you secure. Back in 1909, our founder, Walter Schlage, patented the first “smart home” device, a door lock that would also turn on the lights. From our original patents to the high-tech mobile solutions of today, our passion for door hardware is what drives us to keep developing products that provide you with peace of mind. We are committed to technological innovation that makes the world a better, more secure place. Browse our smart locks to find a solution that makes your home safer and your life easier. 

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    Want a healthy home? Make it smart.

    September 20, 2023 by emily.bailey

    Wednesday, September 20, 2023

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    Modern entryway with matte black smart lock on green door.

    Modern entryway with matte black smart lock on green door.

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    We’ve said it before: smart home technology can improve energy efficiency and help keep the environment healthy. But did you know it can also keep you healthy?



    We’ve said it before: smart home technology can improve energy efficiency and help keep the environment healthy. But did you know it can also keep you healthy?


    Wellness, and how the home can help you achieve it, is becoming increasingly important to both the people building houses and those who will ultimately live there. If you’re ready to jump on this trend and use your favorite technology to improve your daily health habits, we have some ideas for you.

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    Modern entryway with matte black smart lock on green door.

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    Sleep well

    A good night’s sleep is paramount to health. You’ll be in a better mood, more productive at work, more motivated to work out or play with the kids and have a better chance of losing or keeping off weight. So how can a smart home help you catch some ZZZs?


    Circadian lighting simulates the type of natural light you encounter at different parts of the day and has a huge impact on how well you sleep. Adding circadian lighting to your home can be as basic as installing a lightbulb or as high tech as choosing a system that changes the light’s color on a timer. There are also alarm clocks that gently wake you as opposed to startling you out of your slumber, something that almost always gets you up on the wrong side of the bed. And don’t forget the kiddos. Make bedtime easier on everyone with a combination alarm clock/night light/sound machine.

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    Get cooking

    More and more kitchen appliances are getting smart. The refrigerator might have been one of the first to transition, but now several companies have introduced smart microwaves, which allow hands free operation by voice command or app control, and smart ovens which can be controlled remotely and have features like voice control and recipe suggestions.


    Some of these items can still be a bit pricey, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still be smart in the kitchen. Use your Amazon Echo or Google Home, for example, to help you be a better chef. Who can remember what the internal cooking temperature should be for your meat? You don’t have to when you can say, “Alexa, what temperature should my chicken cook to?” And if your goal is to be better at meal prep and planning, use these assistants to help find healthy recipes, create your grocery list or even order your groceries for you when you’re synched to the appropriate services.


    Busy in the kitchen when guests arrive? By integrating your Schlage smart lock with an Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant device, all it takes is saying “Unlock the front door” for easy door control without any hassle.

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    Find your peace of mind

    Sanity is a kind of healthy, and with today’s schedules getting increasingly hectic, sometimes not having to think about “just one more thing” can make you feel a whole lot better. With a smart lock like the Schlage Encode™ Smart WiFi Deadbolt, you’ll never have to wonder if you remembered to lock your door before you left the house. Simply check the lock’s status on your smartphone or ask Alexa from the other room.


    Other features can go a long way toward that peace of mind as well. The activity log in the Schlage Home app can tell you when an access code has been used, so you’ll know if your kids arrived home safely from school. You might even want to check on the locks at your elderly parents’ home if they often forget to secure their front door.


    Do you constantly find yourself forgetting your keys? Schlage Encode Plus™ Smart WiFi Deadbolt is compatible with Apple® home keys, giving you more ways to protect what matters most plus greater convenience through hands-free, remote technology. Enjoy keyless entry and seamless access to your home by simply tapping your Apple Watch or iPhone.

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    Drink pure

    Drinking water that is contaminated can be detrimental to your health. Some contaminants are obvious, like dirt and parasites, but others can lead to serious health problems over time, even if they don’t have an immediate impact on your body. A smart water filter has technology that automatically monitors your water quality. Some units can even allow you to enter specific contaminants you want to track into the system’s app and then see how much of those components are being removed from your water. If you want to improve your water quality, then a smart water filter is just what you need maintain a healthy home.

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    Keep an eye on the sky

    Whether you have common household hazards like pollen and dust or just want to keep track of what you are breathing, smart air purifiers are an excellent way to make sure that the air in your home is clean and healthy. These smart appliances combine app and voice controls, with air quality monitor capabilities, making it easy to ramp them up if things suddenly take a turn for the worse. This means you can breathe easy knowing your air is always being purified to the higher standards.


    Did you know the National Fire Protection Association recommends changing the batteries in your smoke detectors every 6 months? With already so many things to keep track of, it can be easy for homeowners to overlook this recommendation. So, no healthy home is complete without smart smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. These devices can literally help keep you alive by actively monitoring for potential safety hazards, sending alerts to your phone if anything dangerous is detected, and alerting you when your device battery is low.


    When you integrate smart technology into your home, you not only do your part for the environment, but you can also improve your health and that of your family as well. Visit for more tips and trends in smart home automation.

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    Best gardening tips to create deck privacy with plants.

    September 13, 2023 by emily.bailey

    Wednesday, September 13, 2023

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    Deck privacy with plants | Schlage

    Deck privacy with plants | Schlage

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    When you’re looking for an outdoor retreat without losing curb appeal or feeling boxed in, try these plant ideas that give your deck more privacy.



    We love spending time outside in our backyards and on porches. The fresh air, sunshine and family time can’t be beat. Many of us are less enthusiastic about prying eyes, whether from neighboring houses or passers-by. When you’re looking for an outdoor retreat without losing curb appeal or feeling boxed in, try these plant ideas that give your deck more privacy.

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    Modern backyard deck patio with concrete fire pit and wall of greenery for privacy.

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    Best backyard plants for patio privacy

    For backyard privacy that feels more natural than a fence or that creates the illusion that you’re relaxing in a nature preserve, choose tall plants for your garden. Of course, look for varieties that thrive in your region, but you might consider some of these popular plants for equal parts beauty and privacy.

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    Ornamental grasses

    For coverage high and wide – many varieties can grow as tall as eight feet and spread to about six – ornamental grasses are dependable plants for privacy. Zebra grass grows well in most zones and, because its foliage is multicolored, a nice addition to your curb appeal. Fountain grass and pink hair grass are other options. The kiddos might also get a kick out of their fuzzy spikes, great for a sensory garden as well as privacy.

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    The most important thing is to choose your bamboo varieties wisely. Some are invasive and difficult to control. To help avoid that, choose a clumping variety, which grows taller versus out over wide areas. Also, choose a type of bamboo that will survive in your climate zone. Red Dragon, for example, can take temperatures as low as -20 Fahrenheit, so you even cold-weather homeowners can enjoy privacy. You’ll need several bamboo plants, spaced a few feet apart. The denser the plants – don’t worry about overplanting bamboo – the greater the privacy.

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    We especially love palms for adding privacy to smaller patios or porches. It doesn’t have to be some huge, coconut-producing variety. Look for Areca, Lipstick or Needle palms instead. Because most palms don’t winter over very well, you might grow them in a container and bring them indoors when the temperature gets too low. Now, can’t you just imagine yourself lounging in a comfy chair or hammock, surrounded by tropical fronds?

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    Fast-growing trees

    None of these options will give you privacy overnight. You can speed things up a bit by choosing fast-growing plants and trees. Arborvitae, also known as Thuja, is one of the most popular varieties due to their hardiness and low maintenance. Leyland cypress and many other evergreens are solid picks, too. If you aren’t a fan of having trees close to the house, plant them along your property line in place of a fence.

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    Screened-in backyard deck with hanging ferns and wooden slats for privacy.

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    Potted privacy plants

    A container garden is another great way to add privacy to a deck or patio. Not only will the plants help shield the sun or your neighbors’ attention, but so will the pots or whatever structure you hang them from. Hang plants high and let them drape, or start them low and let them climb.

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    Vertical veggie garden

    Vertical hanging gardens are the perfect solution for those who are looking to create privacy with plants but have limited space to do so. These gardens utilize vertical space, allowing you to grow plants upwards and save valuable floor space. A great low-cost tip is to repurpose a shoe caddie and transform it into an herb planter. Or try growing climbing plants like beans, cucumbers, and even tomatoes on trellises or vertical planters to create a beautiful and functional privacy screen. 


    We especially like I Spy DIY’s vertical garden makeover and addition of a Schlage smart lock and lever on the back door. It’s the perfect companion for gardening enthusiasts who want both security and easy access to their outdoor oasis. With keyless convenience and remote access, it ensures your home is always secure, giving you peace of mind while you tend to your garden. No more fumbling for keys when going in or out of your back door, just a simple touch or code entry!

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    Hanging plant wall

    One of the best things about this plant privacy wall is in that you can upcycle many of the materials to make it yourself. Reuse old shutters or pallets, for example, or frame some chicken wire or lattice panels. Once you have your structure in place, hang small potted plants using hooks or rope. The combination of plant varieties and arrangements is endless. This is customized DIY at its finest.

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    Suspended window boxes

    Are they window boxes or hanging planters? There’s no need to choose. Use sturdy chain to suspend the boxes from a covered porch or pergola, and fill them with plants that drape over the edges. Think ferns, trailing snapdragon and sweet potato vine. The Spruce has even more ideas for spiller plants for container gardens.

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    Potted climbing flowers

    Climbing or vining flowers like jasmine or clematis make the perfect potted privacy plants and add beautiful color to your curb appeal and privacy at the same time. Repurpose tomato cages or use a stake or trellis to give your flowers something to creep up. With a few containers side-by-side, you’ll have a gorgeous and colorful living privacy screen. Climbing roses are a great addition to an existing fence, too.

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    Fast-growing trees

    Privacy is key to enjoying your back deck or patio. Especially when houses are close together, having a secluded area where guests can relax without any distraction is important.  By strategically placing tall and dense plants in rail planters, you can create a natural barrier that adds a touch of privacy to your space. Choose plants like bamboo, tall grasses, or even climbing vines to create a lush and secluded space. 

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    Porch swing with plant wall for privacy.

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    Consider long-term maintenance

    When it comes to using deck and patio plants for privacy, it’s important to consider the maintenance aspect as well. While plants can provide many benefits and added privacy to your space for years to come, it is crucial to choose the right plants and be mindful of their growth habits. Some plants can get out of control, requiring excessive trimming and potentially creeping into your neighbor’s yard. Additionally, certain plants with aggressive root systems can cause potential decking or foundation issues.


    So, while enjoying the benefits of privacy, it is essential to keep these factors in mind and choose plants that are manageable and won’t cause any unwanted complications. With proper planning, you can create a private outdoor sanctuary that brings beauty and tranquility to your space. 


    Looking for more ways to add privacy to your home? Or maybe you’re just hoping to spruce up your curb appeal for the warmer months? Visit the Schlage blog for more DIY tips and tricks that will help make any home feel like a haven.


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    Voice control for smart locks.

    September 08, 2023 by emily.bailey

    Friday, September 8, 2023

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    Voice control for smart locks | Schlage

    Voice control for smart locks | Schlage

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    Learn all the benefits of our top voice assistant integrations so you can transform your home routines to be both simpler and safer.



    Schlage smart locks have a lot of cool features, but voice control might just be our favorite. Integrating your Schlage smart lock with a voice assistant is one of the best ways to make the most of your smart lock’s capabilities. Learn all the benefits of our top voice assistant integrations so you can transform your home routines to be both simpler and safer. 

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    Voice control for smart locks.

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    Amazon Alexa

    Why pair your Schlage smart lock with Amazon Alexa?

    With Amazon Alexa, you can lock and unlock your Schlage smart lock with simple voice commands. Whether you’re coming home with your hands full after a long day or just don’t want to get up off the couch, “Alexa, lock the front door” is all it takes to lock your door. You can also trigger Alexa to check the status of your lock by asking: “Alexa, is the side door locked?” This hassle-free option gives you seamless access control and peace of mind. To unlock your Schlage smart lock through Alexa, you will need to give the lock a four-digit PIN that you create with the Alexa app. And with Schlage Encode products, you can even have Alexa alert you when your battery is running low and set up smart reorders so you have replacement batteries right when you need them.


    One of biggest conveniences of integrating your Schlage smart lock with Amazon Alexa is the ability to set up automated smart home routines. These routines are essentially short cuts for Alexa, so you can initiate a series of actions with only one voice command. Build your own routine by opening the routines section in the Alexa app and selecting the + button in the top right corner to begin adding actions. One of our favorite automated routine ideas is “Goodnight alexa” – simply add all the actions that help simplify your bedtime routine, like locking the front door, turning off smart lights, powering down electronics, turning on the night light and starting sleep sounds. 

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    Which Schlage Smart Locks work with Amazon Alexa?

    All Schlage smart locks are compatible with Amazon Alexa. The Schlage Encode™ family of products, including Schlage Encode Plus™ Smart WiFi Deadbolt, Encode™ Smart WiFi Deadbolt and Encode™ Smart WiFi Lever are the easiest to set up with Amazon Alexa because their built-in WiFi can connect directly to Amazon Alexa without any additional hubs or accessories. The following Schlage smart locks can connect to Amazon Alexa when paired with the specified additional hub or accessory:


    • Schlage Sense™ Smart Deadbolt: Schlage Sense™ WiFi Adapter sold separately: Schlage Sense™ WiFi Adapter (sold separately)
    • Schlage Connect™ Smart Deadbolt, Z-Wave Plus: Ring Alarm

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    Google Assistant

    Why pair your Schlage smart lock with Google Assistant?

    Pairing your Schlage smart lock with Google Assistant gives you the ability to check the status of your lock with “Hey Google, is my door locked?” and command it to lock with “Hey Google, lock my door.” These simple voice commands help make securing your home as smooth and hassle-free as possible.


    With Google Assistant, you can also create routines that allow you to trigger multiple actions with a single command. This is one of our favorite features because it’s a time-saver that gives real peace of mind. For example, set up a routine like “Hey Google, I’m staying in” that automatically locks your smart locks, adjusts your smart thermostat, plays your favorite music, and tailors your smart lighting. How relaxing!

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    Which Schlage Smart Locks work with Google Assistant?

    Google Assistant is compatible with all Schlage smart locks. Because they have built-in WiFi, the Schlage Encode family of products do not require a smart home hub or adapter to work with Google Assistant. Simply connect to your Google Assistant-enabled device directly through WiFi.


    To connect the Schlage Sense Smart Deadbolt with a Google Assistant-enabled device, you will need the Schlage Sense WiFi Adapter. The Schlage Connect Z-Wave Plus Smart Deadbolt will need to be synced with a SmartThings hub.

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    Why pair your Schlage smart lock with Siri?

    Select Schlage smart locks can be operated with Siri voice control to check the status of your lock or to lock the door. For an optimal experience, it is best to pair your device with an Apple Home Hub. First, you will need to set up a HomePod, HomePod mini, Apple TV, or iPad as a home hub. Once paired, you can control your smart lock with any of your Apple devices that support Siri – whether you are at home or away. Say “Hey Siri,” then follow with a command like “Lock the front door on my lake house.” You can also use Siri to enact scenes and automations created through the Apple Home app. To control your Apple Home-enabled accessory, the latest version of iOS, tvOS or iPadOS is recommended. To ensure security, if your Siri-enabled Apple device is locked, you won’t be able to use Siri to control your smart lock. You will need to unlock your device before using Siri to lock or unlock your door.  

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    Which Schlage Smart Locks work with Siri?

    Both the Schlage Encode Plus Smart WiFi Deadbolt and Schlage Sense Smart deadbolt are compatible with Apple Home. To use Siri to control your Schlage Sense Smart Deadbolt or Schlage Encode Plus Smart WiFi Deadbolt, follow these instructions.  

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    Connecting your Schlage smart lock with the voice assistant of your choice can enhance your lifestyle and provide you with peace of mind. With Schlage smart locks, you get the best of both worlds: the latest technology innovations backed by over a century of trusted reliability and durability. If you’re still considering which lock is right for you, try our Get Help Deciding Tool. You can also learn more about Schlage’s smart locks and technology integrations at


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    How to understand security when shopping for smart home tech.

    September 06, 2023 by emily.bailey

    Wednesday, September 6, 2023

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    Smart home security | Schlage

    Smart home security | Schlage

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    Use these tips to choose smart home technology that simplifies your daily home routines and keeps your home secure.



    With smart home devices available from a variety of brands and for a range of applications from smart lighting and TVs to smart security systems and voice assistants, shopping for secure smart home technology often feels complicated. We know smart home technology is convenient, but how do we know if it’s safe? Use the tips below to choose smart home technology that simplifies your daily home routines and keeps your home secure. 

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    Father and son looking at smart light.

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    1. Research your options

    Take some time to investigate the security and privacy options of the smart home technology you are shopping for. Use these questions to help guide your research:

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    What brands offer the technology solution you want? Do they have a trusted legacy?

    Take smart security cameras as an example – you may find a low-cost security camera that offers all the features you are looking for, but the brand behind it doesn’t have a proven track record or consistent customer care. This may be cause for concern – you’ll want to know if the company has had any security breaches in the past and, if so, how they have been handled.

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    Are existing customers happy? Read reviews.

    Carefully reading customer reviews will help inform you of any potential security risks, customer service experiences, and ease of enacting a product warranty. Concerns brought up by existing customers can help direct your further research, or you may find positive reviews that give you confidence moving forward with your purchase.

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    Are there security measures and a privacy policy in place?

    Some smart home technology like security cameras or voice assistants may send recordings to their manufacturer’s servers. It’s a good idea to know how these systems work so that you can know if you are comfortable with the process or not. For example, voice assistants usually have a “wake word” such as “Hey Alexa” that triggers the device to start recording your voice. Often, you can activate a light or sound signal on the device to let you know when it is listening or turn off a physical button or switch to stop the device from listening. You also want to check if there is a privacy policy for the device so you know if and how recordings are stored and who has access to listen to them – you should be able to opt out of having any personal information collected and/or be able to access and delete any data it collects. Knowing these security measures can give you confidence to purchase a device you can trust.

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    Is there a product warranty? If so, what are the warranty features?

    A Product warranty is a good sign that a company will stand behind their smart home technology devices and have tested that their products are safe and reliable. Responsible companies will want to provide their customers with warranty features that show confidence in their product and care for their existing customer base.

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    BHMA residential security grading system for residential door hardware and smart locks.

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    2. Understand security ratings

    While many smart home technologies may not have consistent third party gradings for security, you can often find independent ratings online where reviewers have set a consistent scale by which to evaluate different products within the same smart home category. For example, Common Sense Media conducted their own privacy evaluation and rating of popular smart speakers with virtual assistants, specifically gearing their analysis to help parents and educators in their decision-making process. 


    Helpfully, smart locks do have a consistent grading system through a group of industry experts called the Builders Hardware Manufacturing Association (BHMA). The BHMA has set national standards specific to residential hardware for security, durability and finish so you can have confidence in choosing the safest smart lock for your home. Their rigid criteria tests hardware to ensure that it meets either a C (good), B (better) or A (best) grade in each category. Most Schlage smart locks have earned a grade of AAA, meaning they are graded best for all three categories. Because Schlage smart locks feature advanced security measures, they are a smart choice for any home. 

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    Close-up of wifi router

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    3. Secure your network

    Keeping your internet router secure is vital to the safety of your smart home ecosystem. First, make sure that you update the factory default name and password of your router. Choose a network name that has no connection to your physical address; this can help prevent hackers from finding your network. Make sure to use passwords that are strong and unique – a good rule of thumb is to use a minimum of 10 characters including uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers and symbols and to avoid obvious personal information. 


    Once you have set a custom network name and secure password for your WiFi, we suggest double checking that your router has an established encryption method. WPA2 is the most common encryption method – if your router is running a lower method such as WEP or WPA, you may be at risk of a cyber attack and should consider upgrading your router. 


    A final safety measure to consider is setting up a “guest network.” This gives you an option for guests who want to use your WiFi so that you don’t have to spread your login credentials far and wide. Using a guest network is also the smartest option for connected smart home devices.

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    At Schlage, we help you protect what matters most. From the moment you decide to upgrade your door hardware, Schlage is there for you with customer care, support and guidance to find the best solution to transform your home into a haven. Ready to learn more about our secure smart locks? Check out our get help deciding tool to learn which product would be the best fit for your home. 


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