What type of door lock is best for the front door?

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How to change a door lock cylinder

A cylinder is the core of the lock and the place where you insert the key. It is also the part that carries out the most important function that your lock was created for – protecting you, your loved ones and your assets. The cylinder has several pins that shift into place when you put a specific key inside. When people have their locks rekeyed, it actually means that they reset their cylinder.
Lock cylinder replacement is one of the most popular services we provide. However, still many people don’t know they have this option and go for a whole lock replacement. <a href="/">Sure Lock & Key</a> is always ready to help you. We are therefore now going to provide you with insights on how to change a door lock cylinder. If you prefer to do everything without help from the outside, you may use our suggestions. Let’s dive in!

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5 Reasons To Change A Door Lock

The safety of our homes is certainly our responsibility. Lock maintenance and replacement are core elements to your safety needs. A sudden malfunction or a door lock accident can present a complicated situation. Experience tells us that there are at least 5 reasons that might force a person to change the lock on the door. Having the information needed to deal with these types of situations changes the pressure experienced at the moment and gives you a heads up and direction as to how to proceed. It may also help you avoid the unexpected. <a href="/">Sure Lock & Key</a> is always happy to explain any area of Locksmithing and Security to you as well as explaining why and when you need to change a door lock. So check out this short blog and we will try to give you all the information you may need. If that’s good with you let’s get started.

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Locks Types

Since the original idea of private space flashed upon somebody’s mind, thousands of manufacturers and craftsmen have attempted to give the world the perfect lock. Years of continuous development, improvement and new inventions have brought us different types of door locks all the way to the present day. In this blog post, you will find information about the most popular lock types, their specifications and valuable tips on using and maintaining them. <a href="/">Sure Lock & Key</a> will gladly be your locksmith encyclopedia. A place where you can get all the information you need!

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