What Are High-Security Locks? Why Do You Need Them?

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man keeps keys in a hand

Guide To Carrying Keys

Most people can carry, let’s say, around ten keys, and that’s a huge number. The truth is nobody really wants to be burdened with such a bulky item. If you’ve ever had to carry such a thing, you know what we mean. It safely lays somewhere in the depth of our bag, waiting to cause inconvenience when we need to unlock a door quickly. However, imagine how many keys, business owners, people who work in big companies, etc, have to carry. Now imagine the stress they must be under. Just the weight or the possibility of losing or misplacing one or all of the keys. This equals major stress.
Helping people in this scenario is something we do all the time. It’s one of the services we perform often, believe it or not. In fact, we would estimate that at least 7 out of 10 calls we receive for our key cutting service could have been avoided if our client had created a strategy for storing their keys. <a href="/">Sure Lock & Key</a> is a locksmith company, coast to coast, with over 35 years of experience in the industry. We have prepared this guide so that you can put our knowledge into action and organize your keys effectively and efficiently. If you have the time to read on you will, in a very short time, learn to save major frustration, wasted time and money. Let’s start!

Bent Car Key

Bent Car Key Duplication

How can one bend the key? That’s a strange question because no one deliberately would do such a thing. But accidents happen all the time, and somehow car keys get bent. Usually, people bend them in a hurry, or when due to the lock or ignition issues they can’t turn it. Sometimes people use their key as an improvised tool for opening tins, trying to dislodge something from a narrow space, etc. In any case, this is not a tragedy, a professional locksmith can easily help you. <a href="/">Sure Lock & Key</a> provides car key duplication of bent keys very often, so we know how to solve such a problem really quickly. Still don’t believe us that this is real? Then you should read this blog post till the end, and you will see how easy it is for the professionals!

key in a door lock

Key Duplication

We like to see people’s faces when we tell them that we can make a new key without a key, so there’s no need to change the whole lock. Making a key without a current one can sound like something from sci-fi movies, but it’s a common service we provide quite often. To be precise, there are a few methods a locksmith can use to make a new key. And each of them requires skills, knowledge, experience, and special tools. So let’s figure out how a professional locksmith can provide you with the new key when you’ve lost the last one! And remember, <a href="/">Sure Lock & Key</a> is always here whether you need a new key or information!

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