Surface bolts are the perfect addition to any door for added security and safety. Maybe you require to install a surface bolt on your front door as a secondary security method or maybe as a primary locking mechanism on your bathroom door or garden shed door.

At Ironmongery Experts, we supply a wide variety of surface bolts and other types of door bolts to meet any of your requirements. We have available bolts for various applications, from French door bolts, commercial door bolts, gate door bolts, stable door bolts, among others.

Surface bolts are highly popular due to their easy installation and removal, if necessary. In case you haven’t purchased a door bolt yet, we would recommend our best-selling bolt, the 102mm polished chrome surface bolt. This bolt has a simple slide action, making it very easy to use; and it features a wide range of finish variations. Continue reading below for our guide on how to install a surface bolt.


  • Surface bolt
  • Pencil
  • Spirit level
  • Drill
  • Screws


Firstly, you’ll have to decide on the height where you require the door bolt to be at. When it comes to this part, there are no rules, it’s simply your personal preference. There are three main areas on the door where bolts are fitted into: close to top of the door, near the bottom of the door or close to the door handle or door lock.

In case you want to fit two surface bolts to a particular door, maybe one at the top and the other at the bottom could be a good option. Position the bolt right on the edge of the door and ensure that it isn’t touching on the frame.

Then, mark the first screw hole with a pencil. Drill in a bit to fit the first screw. With the help of a drill, insert the screw in the screw hole, but do not completely tighten it. We’d recommend taking this slowly and only inserting one screw first to then level the door bolt.

Use the spirit level to adjust the position of the bolt. Then, remove the spirit level and drill the other screw holes. After, drill the remaining screws to firmly fix the bolt into the door.

Finally, do the same steps to fix the bolt keep to the door frame. Push the bolt knob into the bolt keep to close the door bolt and retract the bolt by pulling away. If it’s all working fine, perfect – you’re done!

If you have any questions regarding any other type of door bolts which might be best suited for you, contact our team on 01376 557 561. Alternatively, email us at



At Ironmongery Experts we strongly advise that you always take safety precautions into consideration when undertaking a DIY project. We also strongly suggest that you closely read and follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer of any building materials, products or tools you use for your projects.

We try our best to provide clear and correct instructions within our articles, so you can easily complete any DIY project you desire. However, please note that the information we provide should only be used as a guideline and that some information within the text may not be entirely accurate.

When using our articles for information and advice, please note that is your own responsibility to determine your capabilities when undertaking and executing the task you wish to complete.

Before starting a DIY task, we strongly recommend that you educate yourself of any existing building, gas, water and electrical works regulations. We believe it is in your best interest to complete further research and/or contact the necessary professional body should you have any further concerns.

We also strongly recommend that a qualified tradesperson completes the relevant safety tests and checks on any DIY you have completed.