Ulbrich Brings Smart Shopper Program From Anthem to…


Ulbrich Brings Smart Shopper Program From Anthem to Employees

Ulbrich employees now have the opportunity to participate in Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield’s pilot program, The Smart Shopper. This innovative and voluntary program hopes to determine if cash incentives for selecting lower cost medical facilities can be an effective method to curb run-away healthcare costs.

This venture is a …member’s only, web-based directory; designed to publish the costs of Anthem, in-network, healthcare service providers. Medical tests and procedures can vary in price by thousands of dollars based on facility and location. Employees that select one of the lower cost providers will receive incentives of typically $100 to $250 per procedure, directly from Ulbrich.

Smart Shopper is expected to reduce Ulbrich’s $7,000,000 annual heath plan price tag by as much as $160,000 in year one. The savings realized from the program will be re-invested in both the employees and the corporation.

In a six-year period, the cost savings could total $1,000,000 or more

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