Coming Monday: ‘The Joiner & Cabinet Maker’ Audiobook &#8211


We are putting the final touches on Roy Underhill’s reading of “The Joiner & Cabinet Maker,” the 1839 text that tells the fictional story of young Thomas West’s apprenticeship in a rural English workshop.

The audiobook will be available in two different formats. On Monday, you will be able to purchase it as an mp3 that you can download from the Lost Art Press web site for $22. The mp3 version is more that 200mb, so don’t try it if you have a dial-up connection.

The download will play on all computers and devices, including iPods, Androids, generic smartphones and Kindles. As always, these files will not have any copy protection on them.

We also will be releasing the audiobook as a three-CD set in the next two weeks. We are still negotiating with CD duplicators so we are not sure what the price will be.

The audiobook is 215 minutes long and features Underhill reading the original text of “The Joiner & Cabinet Maker.” I recorded Underhill this Spring at his home in North Carolina. The audio was edited by John Hoffman of Lost Art Press. The final clean-up and mastering was performed by Ben Strano, a Nashville-based engineer, producer and woodworker. I think it sounds tremendous.

In the meantime, listen to this short “commercial” by Underhill where he reads some of the promotional copy for the original book (by the way, this was mastered by me – the audiobook sounds much cleaner).


Update: Crap. The promo cuts out after 2 minutes. I’ll upload a fixed one later. Gotta fill orders.

We will have more information and a sample of the audio of the book on Monday.

— Christopher Schwarz


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