SAPFM Seeks an Editor for ‘Period Furniture’ &#8211

The Society of American Period Furniture Makers (SAPFM) is looking for an editor to its prestigious annual publication, “American Period Furniture.”

The organization seeks an editor who is proficient in both the worlds of writing and woodworking. If you are selected for the job, you’ll be running all aspects of the magazine – both editorial and advertising – plus attending meetings of the organization.

“American Period Furniture” is an excellent magazine; I read the entire thing every year when it arrives in my mailbox. The journal, and the organization’s web site, are why I am a member of the organization. If you are interested in American furniture, it is worth joining – and this is from a person who isn’t a joiner (of organizations). Information on joining SAPFM is here.

If you are interested in applying for the position of editor, you can download the job posting here. Interested candidates can obtain additional information on the job or apply at:

I don’t have any vested interest in this process. I’m not on the search committee – I’m simply a member. And I don’t have any inside information on the position.

— Christopher Schwarz

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