SOLD OUT: Handmade Steins with a Red-over-Blue Glaze &#8211

Note: These mugs are now sold out.

Our pottery supplier ran out of our glaze colors for our latest batch of 20-ounce steins. Because we weren’t sure when the potters would get our color back in, we tried a new glaze combination: red over a dark blue.

Of course, as soon as these red/blue steins arrived here, the pottery was able to get our old glaze color.

So we are left with one batch of about 100 steins that are red over blue. Instead of trying to stock two colors or something equally complicated, we decided to simply sell this small batch at a significant discount. Normally our handmade steins are $39. We are selling these for $24.

These are handmade by individual potters in Minnesota. They are not in any way defective. In fact, they are dang-near perfect. They are just not in the color we’ve been using.

Click here to order the ones on sale for $24 plus shipping.

You can order our regular steins here.

— Christopher Schwarz

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