In the Works from Lost Art Press &#8211

In case you think I’m sitting around eating bon-bons in my boxers all day, here’s an update: It’s actually pretzels and a thong.

Apologies for that mental image.

We are working on several upcoming publishing projects here that you might be interested in. Here’s a quick look.

• Books: I’m still editing three books and getting them in shape for the printer: Jennie Alexander and Peter Follansbee’s “Make a Joint Stool from a Tree,” Matt Bickford’s “Mouldings in Practice” and a special reprint of “Theory of Mouldings.” As of now, we are shooting for a January release date for all three.

• Updated Titles: In crazy news, we are almost sold out of the second printing of “The Anarchist’s Tool Chest” and will be going back to the printer for a third run in a couple weeks. In the third printing we will add Suzanne Ellison’s excellent index to the book (you can download it for free here) and we are going to change the color of the linen and debossing on the exterior. Also, we are going back to the printer for a second press run of “The Joiner & Cabinet Maker.” We will be correcting some typos, but that’s the only change planned for the second run.

• Audiobook: We are producing an audiobook version of the original text of “The Joiner & Cabinet Maker.” We should be recording that after Thanksgiving if all goes well. I cannot tell you who the voice talent is, but I can say that you know this person well.

• ePub and Kindle Versions: Robert Wearing has given us permission to produce ePub and Kindle versions of “The Essential Woodworker.” His book is being converted now and it should be up for sale in our store in about three weeks.

• My own book: When everyone else in the house is asleep I’m working on writing my next book on furniture design. I am at the stage in the book where I need to present my findings to some people and have them tell me I’m full of poo – or that I’m on to something.

And lastly, I am hoping for one more beautiful fall day so I can fire up my Karmann-Ghia and drive out to the park overlooking the city with my laptop.

— Christopher Schwarz

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