More Places (the U.K.!) to Buy Lost Art Press Books &#8211

Today I shipped off a couple hundred pounds of Lost Art Press books to Axminster, a leading woodworking supplier in the United Kingdom. The company will stock Robert Wearing’s “The Essential Woodworker” and copies of “The Anarchist’s Tool Chest.”

So look for those products in the Axminster 2012 catalog and on the company’s web site in the near future.

Also, F+W Media Inc. will be carrying three Lost Art Press books: “The Essential Woodworker,” “The Joiner & Cabinet Maker” and “The Anarchist’s Tool Chest.” All three products should show up shortly in the company’s web site:

I am actively working on a supplier in Greenland and Monaco. More on that as it develops.

Thanks to all our international customers for their patience. We know it’s has been a hard slog to get our products, and now that I am a hobo self-employed, we will be making more strides in this area soon.

— Christopher Schwarz

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