The Traveling Anarchist’s Tool Chest &#8211

Our new coffee table is complete and ready for the living room. No, no, I’m serious.

Because we don’t have a scrap of space in the house (this is said in the shadow of a mountain of “Mouldings in Practice” books in the sunroom), this traveling tool chest is going to become the coffee table in the front room of our house, where I do most of my writing.

When I leave town to teach, I’ll roll the chest to the shop, fill it with tools and head out.

It sounds like a great plan, except I have to come up with something to do with the sea chest that my feet are propped on now.

Yesterday I applied three coats of General’s “Coastal Blue” milk paint to the chest and installed all the hardware. The two sliding tills are complete. Now I just need to make the saw keepers for the lid and add a couple racks for chisels, drivers and dividers.

Those can come a little later. I’ve got to finish up a couple more urgent projects, including getting some coffee in my gullet.

— Christopher Schwarz

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