Leather-bound Copies of ‘The Anarchist’s Tool Chest’ Now For Sale &#8211

After intense lobbying from customers, we have decided to offer 26 leather-bound copies of the third printing of “The Anarchist’s Tool Chest.”

These leather-bound copies cost $185 postage-paid to U.S. customers. The books will be bound in the same brown leather we used for the first printing. The leather will be hand-distressed, and the end sheets will be hand-colored paper. As always, the work will be performed by the life-long artisans at Ohio Book in Cincinnati.

Unlike the first two printings, the third printing includes a complete index and a new ending – I’ll post that new ending here later this week.

We are going to be selling these leather books a little differently than in the past. Instead of starting a waiting list and spending hours administering it for people who fall off or want to jump on, we have decided to do it Roman-style: First-come, first serve.

The first 26 people to place an order for the book in our store will receive the book when it is complete, which will take about six weeks. This simpler system will save us hours of exchanging e-mails (yes, we still love you; no we don’t want to see photos of your Komodo dragon) and phone calls.

So get out your credit card and click here.

— Christopher Schwarz

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