About Our New Canadian Distributors &#8211

LAP_logo2_940We now sell our books in Canada with all the same benefits that U.S. customers receive – shipping is included in the price, and all books that I’ve written include a letterpress bookplate personally signed by me.

Canadian customers check out in our store just like U.S. customers. You’ll be charged in U.S. dollars on your credit card plus the Canadian goods and services tax (GST). Then your order will be mailed via Canada Post from Kingston, Ontario. Customers will not encounter duty charges or any other international transaction fees.

Our Canadian operation is run by Michael and John Sinclair, two brothers who run Swede Paint Enterprises. Swede Paint sells a number of remarkable products that I’ve been using since April with great success. Many of these products are solvent-free and extremely easy to use.

Though I’ll be writing more specifically about these products in the future, here are a couple that I have become totally enamored with:

Allback Organic Linseed Oil. This linseed oil does not contain metallic driers. It’s just flaxseed oil that has been treated with oxygen so it will dry readily. I’ve used this on five projects now and it is a pleasure to use. It smells a lot less than the stuff from the home center and dries quickly.

Linseed Oil Wax. This soft wax is made using organic linseed oil and beeswax. It has the consistency of a gel stain and makes an excellent topcoat over any finish. I’ve been using it over milk paint, shellac and even on raw wood. It goes on very easily and gives a little more lustre than the straight oil.

I’m eager to experiment with their varnish and their linseed oil paint, too.

We decided to work with Michael and John after meeting them personally in March. They have the same approach to treating their customers (and the planet) that we do. They deal in only high-quality stuff and treat their customers with great care. We highly recommend them (otherwise we wouldn’t have gotten into business with them).

So Canadians, please do check out our store and know that you are helping a family-run Canadian firm (and us!) to thrive.

— Christopher Schwarz

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