Update on ‘The Anarchist’s Design Book’ &#8211


Today the headline was supposed to be: ‘The Anarchist’s Design Book’ Ready for Pre-publication Ordering.

But instead it should read: Schwartz Snuffs Six; Dies in Cocaine Brawl.

The final copperplates from Briony Morrow-Cribbs were guaranteed to arrive before noon today. At 1 p.m. I searched the house for horse sedatives and drove to the post office for some help.

“We don’t know where the package is,” said the clerk, who has honestly been very helpful during my 20 years here. “We’ll call you.”

By 5 p.m., the post office discovered that someone in Vermont had neglected to put the package on a truck. It was still in the building where Briony had dropped it off. In the meantime, Briony today made a second batch of plates (shown above) and is shipping them out via Sloth Express.

We shall see who wins the race.

If the plates arrive tomorrow, we’ll open ordering once the book is uploaded to the printer. Or it might be Friday. Or, if not then, someone will need to lure me out from under the dining table with a piece of raw meat and a net.

— Christopher Schwarz

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